This study investigated whether there was an increase in submissions to scholarly journals in Korea according to journals’ field and indexation status in Scopus or Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) in 2020, the year when the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic first spread throughout the world. The analysis included 60 journals with esubmission systems operated by M2PI. Yearly and monthly submissions were counted from 2016 to 2020. The yearly proportional change was also calculated. In 2020, submissions soared for medical journals indexed in Scopus/SCIE (49.5%), corresponding to an increase of 36.9% relative to the expected number of submissions. There was also a surge of submissions to these journals from March to July 2020. However, non-medical journals and medical journals not indexed in Scopus/SCIE did not show an increase in submissions. The number of submissions to scholarly journals in Korea was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in a specific subset of journals. The background of the spike in submissions is required to be re-investigated. Editors’ burden also should be mitigated through editorial board members’ help and publishers’ support.
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According to the policies of a number of indexing database agencies and the Principles of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing 3rd version, archiving of scholarly journal articles is mandatory for editors and publishers. Furthermore, publishers in Korea have been required to deposit journal article files in the National Library of Korea since February 2016 by law. This study presents background information on archiving sites and how to deposit digital files in the Library’s archive. Although some archiving sites for scholarly journals have been developed internationally, it may be burdensome for publishers in Korea (almost all of which are academic societies) to use those sites to deposit digital files because a deposit fee is required by some agencies. Furthermore, PubMed Central, maintained by the United States National Library of Medicine, accepts only English-language biomedical journals. In contrast, it is possible for publishers to deposit articles in the National Library of Korea by uploading files without any fees, regardless of the journal language. Furthermore, publishers can select the access policy of their journals. All journal publishers and editors in Korea are recommended to utilize the archiving site of the National Library of Korea to preserve their journal articles.
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