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Scientific journals should be transformed into science storytellers to improve their visibility
Kwangil Oh
Sci Ed. 2021;8(2):193-197.   Published online August 20, 2021
  • 8,092 View
  • 164 Download
  • 1 Web of Science
  • 1 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDF
What is the objective for science journals to publish research papers? Would it be enough to collect research manuscripts and simply publish them in print or on the web? Science journal publishers have always strived to find ways of disseminating journal content to as many readers as possible. It is now time for science journal publishers to think about why a journal should be published; whether it is acceptable for valuable scientific findings to lie dormant in a journal’s archive; and whether traditional science communication is still effective. The present article suggests that science journals should transform themselves into science storytellers to improve the visibility and discoverability of their research findings. First, a new communication network between journals, authors, peers, the public, and policymakers is required. Second, conversion of media from academic language to plain language is critical to broadening the audience. Third, audio-visual content should be introduced into journal publishing to facilitate easy comprehension of the content. Fourth, research-focused channels, including EurekAlert, Medium, and social networking service channels are recommended as new media to propagate journals’ content to researchers. Improving visibility and discoverability is an urgent mission, especially for small society journals. To achieve this mission, science journals should be adapted to become storytellers and science communicators, as suggested above. A small society journal’s editor is not merely an editor, but an editor-publisher; therefore, editors should understand and take on this role.


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  • The Chinese Early Warning Journal List: Strengths, weaknesses and solutions in the light of China's global scientific rise
    Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Serhii Nazarovets, Timothy Daly, Graham Kendall
    The Journal of Academic Librarianship.2024; 50(4): 102898.     CrossRef
Latest trends in innovative global scholarly journal publication and distribution platforms
Soon Kim, Eunkyung Chung, Jae Yun Lee
Sci Ed. 2018;5(2):100-112.   Published online August 20, 2018
  • 17,588 View
  • 237 Download
  • 3 Web of Science
  • 3 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDF
This review article presents the latest trends in innovative global scholarly journal publication and distribution platforms, with implications for local journals. Changes have taken place in distribution policies, as pre-publication distribution has become a viable option, and for post-publication distribution, public access or mandatory open access policies have been introduced for articles supported by public or governmental funds. New formats of articles include graphical abstracts, interactive PDFs, the application of semantic enhancements, and the utilization of research data, social networking sites, such as Mendeley and ResearchGate, have become common sites for information exchange. Altmetrics have been adopted to complement traditional journal metrics. PubMed Central, F1000Research, KoreaMed Synapse, and ScienceCentral have been introduced as innovative full-text scholarly journal distribution systems. To publish web-based scholarly journals, it is necessary to adopt an open platform and to explore options such as an author profile database, an online collaborative editing module, and Crossref text and data mining services. To maximize the influence of local journals, it is necessary to integrate various external tools, such as researcher ID, research data, social media, and altmetrics services.


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  • Korean researchers’ motivations for publishing in data journals and the usefulness of their data: a qualitative study
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Science Editing : Science Editing