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Comparison of the open access status and metrics of Scopus journals published in East Asian countries: a descriptive study
Eungi Kim, Da-Yeong Jeong
Sci Ed. 2023;10(1):57-63.   Published online February 16, 2023
  • 3,248 View
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  • 2 Web of Science
  • 2 Crossref
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The objective of this study was to compare Scopus journals published in East Asian countries—China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan—in terms of their open access status and metrics and to explore the implications of those findings for South Korea.
To conduct this study, we selected four East Asian countries: China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. We used journal information provided by SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) and Scopus. The following parameters were analyzed for journals published in East Asian countries: open access status, subject categories, quartiles, number of published documents, h-index, publishers, and citation rate.
In all East Asian countries, numerous commercial publishers publish journals. One exception is Science Press, a Chinese government-sponsored publisher, which published the largest number of journals in the East Asian region. Japan had the highest median number of years covered by SJR. However, the proportion of Q1 journals in Japan was the lowest of the East Asian countries. South Korea had the highest proportion of Q1 journals in the country’s total journal production. Publishers in South Korea published more open access journals than any other East Asian country. Despite publishing a high proportion of prestigious journals, South Korea lagged behind China and Japan in the number of Scopus-indexed journals.
The findings indicate that South Korea has made significant progress in locally producing influential journals over the years. However, more efforts to publish international journals are required for South Korea to increase the number of Scopus journals.


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  • In-Depth Examination of Coverage Duration: Analyzing Years Covered and Skipped in Journal Indexing
    Eungi Kim
    Publications.2024; 12(2): 10.     CrossRef
  • Demystifying multilingual LIS journals in Scopus: Languages, coverage, metrics, and implications
    Eungi Kim
    Journal of Librarianship and Information Science.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
Status and factors associated with the adoption of data sharing policies in Asian journals
Jihyun Kim, Seo Young Bai
Sci Ed. 2022;9(2):97-104.   Published online August 19, 2022
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This study investigated the current status and factors associated with adopting data sharing policies in Asian journals. Data sharing policies vary by country and region, and few studies have examined the trends and factors related to these policies in journals across the Asian region.
The 2020 Scimago Journal and Country Rank was used to download data about 1,143 Asian journals indexed in Web of Science. Excluding 40 journals inaccessible via the Internet or without English-language websites and author guidelines, 1,103 journals were analyzed through descriptive statistical analyses and the chi-square test.
Of the 1,103 journals, 325 (29.5%) had data sharing policies, showing a moderate level of policy adoption among Asian journals. The results of the chi-square test suggested that the impact factor and publisher type (whether a publisher was commercial) were significantly associated with the presence of data sharing policies in journals, but subject categories were not identified as a significant factor. Regarding the strength of data sharing policies, most journals provided policies that only encouraged data sharing.
Policies only encouraging data sharing are unlikely to lead to actual data sharing; thus, considering varying levels of policy strength and effective ways to induce authors’ compliance with the policies is important. Further research needs to examine other factors affecting the presence or strength of data sharing policies.


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  • Academic journal website from the user’s perspective
    A. V. Silnichaya, D. I. Trushkov, A. Volkova, M. S. Konyaev
    Science Editor and Publisher.2024; 9(1): 2.     CrossRef
  • Analyzing AI use policy in LIS: association with journal metrics and publisher volume
    Eungi Kim
    Scientometrics.2024; 129(12): 7623.     CrossRef
  • Analyzing Data Sharing Policies in Library and Information Science: Journal Metrics, Open Access Status, and Publisher Volume
    Eungi Kim, Kristine Joy Tabogoc, Jang Won Chae
    Publications.2024; 12(4): 39.     CrossRef
  • Journal metrics, document network, and conceptual and social structures of the Korean Journal of Anesthesiology from 2017 to July 2022: a bibliometric study
    Sun Huh
    Korean Journal of Anesthesiology.2023; 76(1): 3.     CrossRef
Case Study
Arbitral action and preventive methods against predatory journal practice
Sung Pil Park, Eric Yong Joong Lee, Ji Hee Suh
Sci Ed. 2018;5(1):49-52.   Published online February 19, 2018
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As open access model of journal publication increases, predatory journals, which deceive scholars to publish journals in fake database websites and exploit them for publishing fee, is also increasing. There are two types of predatory journals. First, journal hijacking and cybersquatting generally create fake database website by mimicking authentic database website, thereby defrauding scholars for publication fee. Second, journal phishing use scam emails to steal scholars’ personal information. If scholars suffered damage from predatory journals, scholars can take either arbitral or judicial actions. Arbitral action follows arbitrational resolution process termed Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy. Scholars can join Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy proceeding with legal entity that has right to authentic database website, which will result in cancellation or transfer of fake database website. In contrast, scholars can take judicial action under Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, which may help scholars to recover an actual monetary damage from predatory journals. Nonetheless, taking precaution to avoid predatory journals is the best course of action, rather than going through arduous cure procedures. Scholars may prevent predatory journals by carefully examining fake database website names or email addresses, or observing unreasonable number of published article issues in predatory journal websites.


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  • How to respond to and what to do for papers published in predatory journals?
    Aamir Raoof Memon
    Science Editing.2018; 5(2): 146.     CrossRef
Open access full-text databases in Asian countries
Tae-Sul Seo
Sci Ed. 2018;5(1):26-31.   Published online February 19, 2018
  • 11,449 View
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  • 8 Web of Science
  • 7 Crossref
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Open access promotion methods are generally divided into the ‘gold road’ and the ‘green road.’ Asian countries most commonly focus on the gold road while others focus on the green road. According to data from the Directory of Open Access Journal and the Directory of Open Access Repositories, Indonesia has the largest number of open access journals in the world, while Japan has the third largest number of institutional repositories. In contrast, in Korea, the extensible markup language services of the original text of journal articles are more popular than other Asian countries. In this article, the current status of open access in Asian countries is investigated, and typical open access journal service platforms in Asian countries are reviewed.


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  • Open access theses and dissertations: current status and perspectives
    Nadim Akhtar Khan, S.M. Shafi
    Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
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    Mohammad Nazim, Raj Kumar Bhardwaj
    Digital Library Perspectives.2023; 39(3): 371.     CrossRef
  • Proposal for the development of a national open access database in Vietnam and comparison with other Asian countries’ national literature databases
    Loc My Thi Nguyen, Tien-Trung Nguyen, Thanh Thi Nghiem, Hien Thu Thi Le, Thao Phuong Thi Trinh, Thuan Van Pham, Thanh Chi Nguyen, Linh Khanh Hoang, Trung Tran
    Science Editing.2020; 7(1): 55.     CrossRef
  • Otwarty dostęp w krajach globalnego Południa
    Małgorzata Glinicka
    Zagadnienia Informacji Naukowej - Studia Informacyjne.2020; 58(1(115)): 56.     CrossRef
  • CJK Languages or English: Languages Used by Academic Journals in China, Japan, and Korea
    Xiaomei Liu, Xiaotian Chen
    Journal of Scholarly Publishing.2019; 50(3): 201.     CrossRef
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    Journal of Korean Medical Science.2019;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Latest trends in innovative global scholarly journal publication and distribution platforms
    Soon Kim, Eunkyung Chung, Jae Yun Lee
    Science Editing.2018; 5(2): 100.     CrossRef
Equality, equity, and reality of open access on scholarly information
Jeong-Wook Seo, Hosik Chung, Tae-Sul Seo, Youngim Jung, Eun Seong Hwang, Cheol-Heui Yun, Hyungsun Kim
Sci Ed. 2017;4(2):58-69.   Published online August 16, 2017
Correction in: Sci Ed 2018;5(2):171
  • 18,201 View
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  • 6 Web of Science
  • 6 Crossref
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The current statistic data on the open access (OA) journals and institutional repositories show some successes and increased awareness on OA in Asian countries. There are several concerns, however, in regards to the access and use of articles by researchers together with the continued increase of libraries’ expenditure for journals. In the present article we introduce five solutions in the global and local perspectives. OA2020 initiative is a global initiative to transform existing journals to OA. Although the practical process of OA2020 remains a challenge, the transformation will increase OA without significant increase of journals and budgets for publishing. The promotion of the local and Asian journals is the second big challenge. Because these local or Asian journals still have important roles in the local research community, they should keep current publishing model of OA at the low cost but with high quality and the better access. The restructuring of the current library budget is the third challenge. The budget for periodicals should be reduced and the saved budget can be used to pay articles processing charge for OA and for purchasing monographs. The fourth important issue is ‘the digital blind spot at the young unemployed and retired elderly’. These groups of poorly supported and potentially important researchers have to be considered as a priority issue to the policies on OA and scholarly knowledge. Lastly, we believe there should be different needs for other activities: optimization of the searchable database, governmental policy on open science and international cooperation on OA.


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  • Changes in the absolute numbers and proportions of open access articles from 2000 to 2021 based on the Web of Science Core Collection: a bibliometric study
    Jeong-Wook Seo
    Science Editing.2023; 10(1): 45.     CrossRef
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    Philips Ayeni
    Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology.2023; 60(1): 521.     CrossRef
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    Wilson López López
    Universitas Psychologica.2019; 18(5): 1.     CrossRef
  • Journal metrics of Clinical and Molecular Hepatology based on the Web of Science Core Collection
    Sun Huh
    Clinical and Molecular Hepatology.2018; 24(2): 137.     CrossRef
  • Why and how do we keep editing local medical journals in an era of information overload?
    Viera Wardhani, Sam Mathew, Jeong-Wook Seo, Komang G. Wiryawan, Vivi Setiawaty, Burmaajav Badrakh
    Science Editing.2018; 5(2): 150.     CrossRef
  • Recent advances of medical journals in Korea and and further development strategies: Is it possible for them to publish Nobel Prize-winning research?
    Sun Huh
    Journal of the Korean Medical Association.2018; 61(9): 524.     CrossRef
Original Article
Research output of science, technology and bioscience publications in Asia
Hyunju Jang, Hyungsun Kim
Sci Ed. 2014;1(2):62-70.   Published online August 18, 2014
  • 21,174 View
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  • 4 Web of Science
  • 6 Crossref
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Publication growth rates in Asia have been rapidly increasing since 2000. Amid this constant rise in the quantity of papers, however, concerns over the quality of research output in Asia have also increased. The purpose of this paper is to examine science and technology journals in Asia where research is burgeoning and to find ways to enhance the visibility and frequency of citation of articles published by non-Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and developing countries in Asia. In this work, the research output of twelve countries in science and engineering over the last five years is studied, using the Scopus database. We compared publication growth, number of citations per publication, the field-weighted citation impact of publications, national and international collaboration rates, and the number of journals in each country found in the Scopus database. We find that a predominant number of research papers produced in developing Asian countries are in technology. Hence, most research papers produced in Asian regions appear to have lower citation rates and are often devaluated. We suggest this devaluation relates to an individual state’s strategy for national development, or policy priorities for choosing whether to invest primarily in basic science or applied science. Further, this work suggests that enhancing the accessibility and visibility of local academic journals can be conducive to enhancing the quality of research output, both in developing countries and in the world overall.


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