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Volume 3 February 2016
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Open access publishing in the internet age
Kihong Kim
Sci Ed. 2016;3(1):1-2.   Published online February 19, 2016
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  • Journal metrics of Clinical and Molecular Hepatology based on the Web of Science Core Collection
    Sun Huh
    Clinical and Molecular Hepatology.2018; 24(2): 137.     CrossRef
  • Equality, equity, and reality of open access on scholarly information
    Jeong-Wook Seo, Hosik Chung, Tae-Sul Seo, Youngim Jung, Eun Seong Hwang, Cheol-Heui Yun, Hyungsun Kim
    Science Editing.2017; 4(2): 58.     CrossRef
Original Articles
Towards the implementation of a system for manuscript editor certification
Hyun Jung Yi, Hye-Min Cho, Hee Kyung Chung, Hwan Tae Ahn, Myung-Soon Kim, Yoon Joo Seo
Sci Ed. 2016;3(1):3-12.   Published online February 19, 2016
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Style and format are important criteria for evaluating a journal and indexing it in major databases. In Korean science, technology, and medical journals, interest in manuscript editing has increased over the past seven to eight years, and the responsibilities of manuscript editors have expanded as well. However, since no clear standards for the roles and qualifications for manuscript editors are yet available, a formal certification system is needed to establish appropriate standards and to provide professional training. To identify ways of developing a manuscript editor certification program in Korea, this study investigated similar certification programs in and outside the country and surveyed 195 Korean editors, manuscript editors, publishers, and medical librarians. The survey revealed that manuscript editors were necessary (mean score of 4.38 on a five-point Likert scale, with a score of 5 indicating strong agreement), and that their main contributions were efficiently managing the editorial board, improving the accuracy of references, and accelerating the editing process. The respondents were also positive about the possibility of implementing a manuscript editor certification; 45.1% showed interest in becoming certified, and 47.1% reported interest in hiring a certified manuscript editor. Regarding the system for issuing certification, respondents favored a professional training course (53.1%), validation of work experience (27.1%), or an examination (16.8%). This study concludes that it is essential to establish a formal certification program to train manuscript editors properly, and an examination system is the most efficient and suitable method for managing the certification process.


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  • Analysis of the results of the first implementation of the Korea Manuscript Editors Certification
    Hyun Jung Yi, Jae Hwa Chang, Yoon Joo Seo
    Science Editing.2017; 4(1): 34.     CrossRef
Increased citation of Korean scholarly journals during the years 2008 to 2013
Eun Seong Hwang
Sci Ed. 2016;3(1):13-18.   Published online February 19, 2016
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Korean academic journals are registered in Korea Citation Index, a government-operated journal indexing system. There has been a constant increase in registry, but whether this change accompanies an increase in quality of the journals has not been determined. In this study, by using the index data of Korea Citation Index, status of journal citation in eight different research fields during the years 2008 to 2013 was analyzed. Impact factors of top 50% journals and the number of the journals with high impact factor increased in all the fields, while the number of journals with low impact factor decreased. The change varied in degree among the different fields, and that in social science and medicine was most positive. These changes appear not to be caused by an increase in self citation, although self citation itself is quite high. International citation of the journals also substantially increased in the fields of science, technology, and medicine. These results indicate a genuine increase in the quality of papers and an improvement in citability of the journals published in Korea. This positive change could be attributed to several factors that include the quality of the information in the papers and the environments that encourage the citation of domestic journals.
Analysis of journal attributes of 403 KoreaScience journals from the viewpoint of author
Sung-Nam Cho, Tae-Sul Seo, Hee-Yoon Choi, Sun-A Park
Sci Ed. 2016;3(1):19-25.   Published online February 19, 2016
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Korea is a country in which journal industry is rapidly increasing recently. KoreaScience is a typical Korean scientific and technical journal database that may be used to analyze Korean journals. A set of journal attributes reflecting the requirements in view of submitting authors was derived and some characteristics of KoreaScience journals such as subject distribution, launch year, publication frequency, publication language, and open access were quantitatively analyzed according to the journal attributes. As a result, it was found that Korean journals are published in almost all subject categories except some subject categories under Physics. The number of journal has been increased rapidly during the period between 1980s and 1990s. Journals published quarterly are 45%. Journals published in English are 31%. Open access journals are 26% while 72% free access.


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  • Study on Development of Journal and Article Visualization Services
    Sung-Nam Cho, Tae-Sul Seo
    Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science.2016; 50(2): 183.     CrossRef
CrossCheck usage in a journal publication
Jaeseok Choi, Sohee Park, Ungjin Oh
Sci Ed. 2016;3(1):26-32.   Published online February 19, 2016
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Since the inclusion of the Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (JEET) published by the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers in the Science Citation Index Expanded on the Web of Science by Thomson Reuters, the journal has recorded a considerable increase in the number of submitted articles (i.e., from 400 articles in 2009 to 2,000 articles in 2015). This work explores the use of CrossCheck as a tool to prevent and provide protection against plagiarism in the JEET. Since 2011, the JEET has been using CrossCheck and has adopted implicit and latent review guidelines internally. In this study, we investigate the function of CrossCheck by considering two types of similarity levels for published and rejected articles, namely, integrated similarity index (ISI) and maximum similarity index (MSI). The Minitab tool is used for statistical analysis. The JEET employs a blind CrossCheck system, in which ISI and MSI information is supplied only to the associate editor and not to the reviewers. Positive results are obtained even under the blind CrossCheck system. An exception is the group of “red” articles with ISI and MSI scores of above 50%. The ISI and MSI information of such red articles is supplied to the editors and reviewers of the JEET. The results of this work could serve as a reference for establishing a guideline or criterion for rejecting suspicious plagiarized articles during the review process.


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  • The use of text-matching software’s similarity scores
    Stewart Manley
    Accountability in Research.2023; 30(4): 219.     CrossRef
  • Analysis of consultations by the Committee for Publication Ethics of the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors
    You Sun Kim, Dong Soo Han
    Science Editing.2020; 7(2): 184.     CrossRef
  • Two international public platforms for the exposure of Archives of Plastic Surgery to worldwide researchers and surgeons: PubMed Central and Crossref
    Sun Huh
    Archives of Plastic Surgery.2020; 47(5): 377.     CrossRef
  • How Annals of Dermatology Has Improved the Scientific Quality and Ethical Standards of its Articles in the Two-Year Period since October 2018
    Sun Huh
    Annals of Dermatology.2020; 32(5): 353.     CrossRef
  • How to successfully list a journal in the Social Science Citation Index or Science Citation Index Expanded
    Sun Huh
    Korean Journal of Medical Education.2017; 29(4): 221.     CrossRef
  • Characteristics of Retractions from Korean Medical Journals in the KoreaMed Database: A Bibliometric Analysis
    Sun Huh, Soo Young Kim, Hye-Min Cho, Xu-jie Zhou
    PLOS ONE.2016; 11(10): e0163588.     CrossRef
Case Study
Trends in document delivery system in the Medical Library Information System of the Korean Medical Library Association
Hyun Jung Yi
Sci Ed. 2016;3(1):33-35.   Published online February 19, 2016
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This case study aimed at disclosing the changing trends of amount of document delivery services (DDSs) in the Medical Library Information System (MEDLIS) of the Korean Medical Library Association (KMLA). The data from 2001 to 2014 in the MEDLIS were searched and analyzed according to year. To know outside environment of DDS, The trend in use of DDS of the Research Information Sharing Service and the journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journal were presented. The DDS request in MEDLIS decreased year by year from 214,304 in 2001 to 50,352 in 2014 (23.4%). There was an increased number of requests a monthly average from 4,799 in 2009 to 8,157 in 2014 (170.0%) through Research Information Sharing Service. As of 2015, 10,702 journals were listed in the Directory of Open Access Journal. I can find that the continuous decreased request of DDS in MEDLIS which might be originated from the increased number of DDS service through RISS and the increased number of open access journals.


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  • An analysis of interlibrary loan services: a case study of a university in South Africa
    Siviwe Bangani, Sabelo Chizwina, Mathew Moyo
    Information Discovery and Delivery.2018; 46(1): 26.     CrossRef
Training Materials
Peer review golden rules and good practice checklist
Irene Hames
Sci Ed. 2016;3(1):36-42.   Published online February 19, 2016
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This is a republication of Appendix 1, The Golden Rules and the Peer-Review Good Practice Checklist, from the author’s book, Peer Review and Manuscript Management in Scientific Journals: guidelines for good practice, published in 2007 by Wiley-Blackwell in association with ALPSP (the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers), with the permission of the author and publisher (ISBN: 978-1-4051-3159-9, productCd-1405131594.html).


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  • Ten Tips for Performing Your First Peer Review: The Next Step for the Aspiring Academic Plastic Surgeon
    Martin Frendø, Andreas Frithioff, Steven Arild Wuyts Andersen
    Archives of Plastic Surgery.2022; 49(04): 538.     CrossRef
  • Do’s and Don’ts for a Good Reviewer of Scientific Papers: A Beginner’s Brief Decalogue
    Miltos K. Lazarides, George S. Georgiadis, Nikolaos Papanas
    The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds.2020; 19(3): 227.     CrossRef
  • Writing highly effective reviews of a scientific manuscript
    Garry J. Scrimgeour, Shelley D. Pruss
    Freshwater Science.2016; 35(4): 1076.     CrossRef
Scientific, technical, and medical podcasting in Korea
Harvey E. Schmidt
Sci Ed. 2016;3(1):43-48.   Published online February 19, 2016
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Korean produced scientific, technical and medical (STM) podcasts represent an opportunity for Korean STM publications to further promote themselves as an important center for scientific research. STM Publishing makes results and data available to the greater scientific community as well as the rigors of metadata research. Publishing costs should be considered part of research costs since research results are only of value if published in reputable peer-reviewed journals. Korean journals indexed in the Korean Citation Index (KCI) continue to evolve in quality and as important communities for scientists. Universities, tertiary hospitals, and research institutes throughout Europe and America feature podcasts as an integral part of Web 2.0 and the evolution of e-publishing. However, unlike their Western counterparts, Korean (as well as Chinese and Japanese) STM publications and related organizations have not established hosted STM podcast programs to help propagate and create discussion on important science results. The opportunity of Korean produced STM podcasts to highlight important research and discovery is a cost efficient opportunity that Korean journals, universities, tertiary hospitals, research institutes and industry/academic collaborations should consider. This paper outlines roles, reasons and rational for KCI publications to be featured in a Korean hosted STM podcast.


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  • Latest trends in innovative global scholarly journal publication and distribution platforms
    Soon Kim, Eunkyung Chung, Jae Yun Lee
    Science Editing.2018; 5(2): 100.     CrossRef
  • Recent advances of medical journals in Korea and and further development strategies: Is it possible for them to publish Nobel Prize-winning research?
    Sun Huh
    Journal of the Korean Medical Association.2018; 61(9): 524.     CrossRef
  • The great rise ofIntestinal Researchas an international journal 3 years after its language change to English as evidenced by journal metrics
    Geum Hee Jeong, Sun Huh
    Intestinal Research.2017; 15(1): 1.     CrossRef
Raising the quality of local journals: some insights and observations
Ramanathan Subramaniam
Sci Ed. 2016;3(1):49-52.   Published online February 19, 2016
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Postscript on the indexing of the journal New Physics: Sae Mulli in Scopus
Sang-Don Bu, Guinyun Kim, Chang-Hwan Lee, Sungmin Im
Sci Ed. 2016;3(1):53-56.   Published online February 19, 2016
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  • Nuclear Bubble Configuration in Heavy-Ion Collisions
    Kyungil Kim, Sangyong Jeon, Chang-Hwan Lee, Youngman Kim
    Universe.2022; 8(10): 499.     CrossRef
Meeting Report
Asian Science Editors' Conference and Workshop 2015
Jae Hwa Chang
Sci Ed. 2015;3(1):57-59.   Published online February 19, 2016
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Science Cartoon
SCI article = PhD degree
Beom Sun Chung, Min Suk Chung
Sci Ed. 2015;3(1):60-62.   Published online February 19, 2016
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Events in 2016
Sci Ed. 2016;3(1):63-63.   Published online February 19, 2016
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Science Editing : Science Editing