Article information
Sci Ed. 2021;8(1):128-128
The Korean Council of Science Editors announces the schedule of the events in 2021. Precise schedule and registration of above workshops were or will be available from:
Schedule of the events by the Korean Council of Science Editors in 2021
Article information Continued
Copyright © 2021 Korean Council of Science Editors
Table 1.
Schedule of the events by the Korean Council of Science Editors in 2021
January |
February |
March |
April |
May |
June |
Science Editing (twice a year) |
Vol.8 No.1 (20) |
Newsletter (4 times a year) |
No. 37 (31) |
No. 38 (30) |
Editor’s Workshop |
Manuscript Editor’s Training & Workshop |
Basic Manuscript Editing (10, 17, 24, 31) |
Basic Manuscript Editing (7, 14, 21, 28) |
Publication Ethics Workshop |
Publication Ethics Workshop |
July |
August |
September |
October |
November |
December |
Science Editing (twice a year) |
Vol.8 No.2 (20) |
Newsletter (4 times a year) |
No. 39 (30) |
No. 40 (31) |
Editor’s Workshop |
Scopus Workshop (2) |
10th Anniversary Workshop (8) |
Scopus Workshop (28-29) |
Editor’s Workshop (24) |
Manuscript Editor’s Training & Workshop |
Examination for Korea Manuscript Editors Certification (17) |
Manuscript Editor’s Workshop (4) |
Publication Ethics Workshop |
Publication Ethics Workshop |
Publication Ethics Workshop |