Editing and publishing activities of the Korean Physical Society during the first fifty years since its inauguration in 1952
Article information
There were errors in the article, “Koh YS. Editing and publishing activities of the Korean Physical Society during the first fifty years since its inauguration in 1952. Sci Ed 2016;3:67-79. http://dx.doi.org/10.6087/kcse.69” as published. The author apologizes for the mistake. The word ‘volume’ was incorrectly given instead of the word ‘issue’. All ‘volume’ within this article should be revised to ‘issue’ except in 3 cases of the following:
Page 73 left column, line 14
9) References should be added at the end of the manuscript in the following order: author’s name, journal title, volume, page, and year, such as M.J. Stephen, Phys. Rev., 123, 126 (1961).
Page 77 right column, line 18
Bold-face is used for the volume number, and the reference number is put in brackets [ ].
Page 79 left column, line 37
2) When a final decision is made for the publication of a manuscript, the Editorial Office will notify the corresponding author of the decision as well as of the expected volume and issue numbers.