Meeting: The 10th Anniversary Conference of the Korean Council of Science Editors session B
Date: September 8, 2021
Venue: Zoom
Organizer: Korean Council of Science Editors
Theme: The next decade of scholarly publishing
In the afternoon on September 8, 2021, a conference commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Korean Council of Science Editors was held online through Zoom, with the theme of ‘The next decade of scholarly publishing.’ Ninety-nine members attended the conference (Fig. 1). The program consisted of a plenary session and two parallel sessions. Here, I introduce session B, which I attended. Session B was chaired by Hyungsun Kim, professor emeritus of Inha University, who was also the third president of Korean Council of Science Editors and the current president of the Council of Asian Science Editors. During the session, three presentations were given by Elsevier, cOAlition S, and Crossref.
The first presentation was given by Wim Meester, Director of Product Management of Elsevier, on the topic of ‘Evolution of Scopus over the next decade.’ He started by looking back at the 17-year history of Scopus, and then presented information on the number and volume of Scopus’ scholarly journals, the contribution of Scopus to the research community, and how to select journals. In his presentation, he also cited data from Scopus to highlight Korea’s research achievements. Regarding the prospects of Scopus over the next decade, he said that its vision is to “help the world of research makes high-value decisions with confidence,” and some of the key challenges are discovering the most relevant research, identifying experts and collaborators, evaluating and demonstrating impact, making decisions on research strategies, and applying and analyzing funding. To this end, the author profile of Scopus includes preprints and relevant funding information. Ultimately, he hoped that Scopus People Finder would help recruit reviewers and discover collaborators.
The second presentation was given by Johan Rooryck, Executive Director of cOAlition S, on the topic of ‘Plan S: estimating future developments.’ He explained that the plan’s goal is to promote open access (OA). cOAlition S is composed of 27 global funders and has published 150,000 papers with annual research funding of 40 billion US dollars. Plan S is a policy prepared as part of an effort to give more researchers and artificial intelligence models immediate and free access to articles funded by member institutions. To comply with Plan S, researchers should publish in OA journals (route 1), upload author-accepted manuscripts to the repository through an agreement with the publisher (route 2), or belong to an institution that has entered into an OA transformative agreement (route 3). In addition, cOAlition S is conducting research on OA Diamond Journal publication, improving the transparency of publication costs, and supporting new publication models. Over the next 10 years, OA will use a mix of commercial and institutional publishing service providers, with a strengthened role of academic organizations. The fragmentation of publishing services was mentioned as a key challenge in this regard.
The third presentation was made by Ed Pentz, Executive Director of Crossref, on the topic of ‘The role of Crossref in journal publishing over the next decade’ [1]. He said that Crossref is a non-profit organization whose mission is to make research results easy to find, cite, link, assess, and reuse, as well as to improve scholarly communications. Crossref makes it possible to identify and cite research funds, preprints, journal articles, monographs, proceedings, standards, reports, dissertations, and review reports through the use of digital object identifiers (DOIs). The number of DOI registrations on Crossref is continuously increasing, with approximately 88 million registered journal articles. Crossref considers transparency, new OA models, preprints, data, and artificial intelligence to be key issues for scholarly journals in the next 10 years. To this end, it is involved with the principles of open scholarly infrastructure. In addition, the Research Nexus is also being promoted to support reproducibility and discoverability through various metadata collected using DOIs.
In summary, the use of artificial intelligence based on scholarly paper data and the development of a new publishing model that enables open science are envisioned as drivers that will lead to changes in the publishing market in the next 10 years. In Korea, scholarly publishing is still conducted based on the traditional publishing model, but we must inevitably join global trends in the near future. Before doing so, it would be preferable for us to build a new publishing model reflecting future trends and to use artificial intelligence to make the scholarly publishing process more efficient.
Conflict of Interest
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article were reported.
The author received no financial support for this article.
Fig. 1.Attendees of the 10th Anniversary Conference of the Korean Council of Science Editors session B through Zoom.
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