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5 "Yoon Joo Seo"
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Book Review
The AMA Manual of Style, 11th edition: the ultimate guide to scholarly publishing in the digital age
Yoon Joo Seo
Sci Ed. 2023;10(2):195-196.   Published online July 19, 2023
  • 3,442 View
  • 675 Download
Training Material
Recommended practices for supplemental data
Hyun Jung Kwon, Yoon Joo Seo, Mi Yeon Kim, Sue Yeon Chung
Sci Ed. 2020;7(1):94-103.   Published online February 20, 2020
  • 12,786 View
  • 153 Download
  • 2 Web of Science
  • 2 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
Since various forms of supplemental data (SD) have been introduced in academic publications, it has become necessary to establish guidelines to systematically process, indicate, and distribute such data. This material aims to help the science journals establish rational SD policies and guidelines and to ensure compliance with such policies and to manage them consistently. Generally, SD can be approached in a literal way by categorizing ‘appendices’ as ‘additional or separately added complementary materials’ and ‘supplements’ as ‘materials supplemental to the research in a comprehensive sense,’ rather than by viewing SD as an independent component of an article. The recommended practices of the National Information Standards Organization of USA advise the classification of SD into either ‘integral content’ or ‘additional content’ according to the content’s functional relationship to the associated article. If a public depository is used for SD, the author can ensure the perpetuity of data accessibility by assigning a digital object identifier. Science journals should adopt appropriate SD policies and describe them in detail in the instructions for authors to ensure consistent compliance with those policies. Additionally, they should be able to inspect and maintain links, repositories, and metadata associated with the SD for specific articles on an ongoing basis.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Status of the data sharing policies of scholarly journals published in Brazil, France, and Korea and listed in both the 2018 Scimago Journal and Country Ranking and the Web of Science
    Geum Hee Jeong
    Science Editing.2020; 7(2): 136.     CrossRef
  • How Annals of Dermatology Has Improved the Scientific Quality and Ethical Standards of its Articles in the Two-Year Period since October 2018
    Sun Huh
    Annals of Dermatology.2020; 32(5): 353.     CrossRef
Original Article
Changes in bibliographic information associated with Korean scientific journals from 2011 to 2019
Yoon Joo Seo, Hye-Min Cho, Sun Huh
Sci Ed. 2020;7(1):11-15.   Published online February 20, 2020
  • 5,784 View
  • 142 Download
  • 4 Web of Science
  • 4 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study aimed to examine how the bibliographic information of 558 journals that applied for the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies funding in 2011 changed from 2011 to 2019, with the goal of informing the development of Korean scientific journals.
Between May and October 2012, bibliographic information from 558 journals was obtained from PDF files for the print versions of one issue of 2011 and the journal homepages. In August 2019, the bibliographic information of the same journals was traced based only on the journal websites. We compared bibliographic information.
Excluding 14 journals that were discontinued or integrated with other journals prior to the follow-up in 2019, 544 journals were compared. Over the 8-year period, 121 journals underwent title changes. The number of journals with eISSNs (electronic International Standard Serial Number) increased from 214 (39.3%) in 2011 to 488 (89.7%) in 2019. “Aims and scope” descriptions were found for 291 journals (53.5%) in 2011 and 482 (88.6%) in 2019. The number of English-only journals increased from 163 (30.0%) to 227 (41.7%), and the number of journals with an open access policy rose from 92 (16.9%) to 315 (57.9%). Journals with DOI (digital object identifier) prefixes increased from 256 (47.1%) to 536 (98.5%).
The increased frequency of the above bibliographic information is evidence of the globalization of local journals. However, even in 2019, some journals still lacked the necessary bibliographic information. For better dissemination and promotion of Korean scientific journals, editors and publishers should more critically consider the proper inclusion of information on journal websites.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Comparison of the open access status and metrics of Scopus journals published in East Asian countries: a descriptive study
    Eungi Kim, Da-Yeong Jeong
    Science Editing.2023; 10(1): 57.     CrossRef
  • Presidential address: the Korean Council of Science Editors as a board member of Crossref from March 2021 to February 2024
    Sun Huh
    Science Editing.2021; 8(1): 1.     CrossRef
  • PubMed Central as a platform for the survival of open-access biomedical society journals published in Korea
    Sun Huh
    Science Editing.2021; 8(2): 153.     CrossRef
  • Two international public platforms for the exposure of Archives of Plastic Surgery to worldwide researchers and surgeons: PubMed Central and Crossref
    Sun Huh
    Archives of Plastic Surgery.2020; 47(5): 377.     CrossRef
Case Study
Analysis of the results of the first implementation of the Korea Manuscript Editors Certification
Hyun Jung Yi, Jae Hwa Chang, Yoon Joo Seo
Sci Ed. 2017;4(1):34-38.   Published online February 20, 2017
  • 10,221 View
  • 158 Download
  • 4 Web of Science
  • 5 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDF
In the field of international scholarly journal publishing, manuscript editing has been established as an essential component of the publication process. As the necessity of this process has increased, the Korean Council of Science Editors has consistently provided education for training professional manuscript editors, and has worked to implement a manuscript editor certification system. Starting in 2014, the Korean Council of Science Editors thoroughly conducted background research and advanced analysis in preparation for such a system. Subsequently, a committee of experts was formed to develop and simulate an examination for this certification. This process culminated in the first manuscript editor certification examination, which was held in November 2016 and resulted in 40 initial Korea Manuscript Editors Certification holders. Examinations for the Korea Manuscript Editors Certification are scheduled to be held annually. The establishment of this certification system will contribute to strengthening individual capacities and further developing science journal publication in Korea by expanding the field of manuscript editing. Ultimately, this system will contribute to the promotion of Korean scientific journals to the level of prominent international journals.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Presidential address: How to cope with the present environment of scholarly journal publishing
    Sun Huh
    Science Editing.2020; 7(1): 1.     CrossRef
  • Search engines and software for manuscript editing
    Yeonwook Kim
    Science Editing.2020; 7(1): 88.     CrossRef
  • Recent advances of medical journals in Korea and and further development strategies: Is it possible for them to publish Nobel Prize-winning research?
    Sun Huh
    Journal of the Korean Medical Association.2018; 61(9): 524.     CrossRef
  • Reflections on the Basic Manuscript Editors’ Training 2017
    Hakbong Lee
    Science Editing.2017; 4(2): 93.     CrossRef
  • How to successfully list a journal in the Social Science Citation Index or Science Citation Index Expanded
    Sun Huh
    Korean Journal of Medical Education.2017; 29(4): 221.     CrossRef
Original Article
Towards the implementation of a system for manuscript editor certification
Hyun Jung Yi, Hye-Min Cho, Hee Kyung Chung, Hwan Tae Ahn, Myung-Soon Kim, Yoon Joo Seo
Sci Ed. 2016;3(1):3-12.   Published online February 19, 2016
  • 13,971 View
  • 143 Download
  • 1 Web of Science
  • 1 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDF
Style and format are important criteria for evaluating a journal and indexing it in major databases. In Korean science, technology, and medical journals, interest in manuscript editing has increased over the past seven to eight years, and the responsibilities of manuscript editors have expanded as well. However, since no clear standards for the roles and qualifications for manuscript editors are yet available, a formal certification system is needed to establish appropriate standards and to provide professional training. To identify ways of developing a manuscript editor certification program in Korea, this study investigated similar certification programs in and outside the country and surveyed 195 Korean editors, manuscript editors, publishers, and medical librarians. The survey revealed that manuscript editors were necessary (mean score of 4.38 on a five-point Likert scale, with a score of 5 indicating strong agreement), and that their main contributions were efficiently managing the editorial board, improving the accuracy of references, and accelerating the editing process. The respondents were also positive about the possibility of implementing a manuscript editor certification; 45.1% showed interest in becoming certified, and 47.1% reported interest in hiring a certified manuscript editor. Regarding the system for issuing certification, respondents favored a professional training course (53.1%), validation of work experience (27.1%), or an examination (16.8%). This study concludes that it is essential to establish a formal certification program to train manuscript editors properly, and an examination system is the most efficient and suitable method for managing the certification process.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Analysis of the results of the first implementation of the Korea Manuscript Editors Certification
    Hyun Jung Yi, Jae Hwa Chang, Yoon Joo Seo
    Science Editing.2017; 4(1): 34.     CrossRef

Science Editing : Science Editing