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Original Article
Relationship between publication indicators and citation impact indicators for publications in business, management, and accounting listed in Scopus from 2015 to 2019
Hyunju Jang
Sci Ed. 2021;8(1):18-25.   Published online February 20, 2021
  • 5,919 View
  • 151 Download
  • 4 Web of Science
  • 4 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
This study examined whether article-level publication indicators were related to citation impact indicators in the business, management, and accounting categories listed in Scopus. Article-level publication indicators included the number of authors, countries, and keywords, as well as title length, while citation impact indicators included the field-weighted citation impact (FWCI) at the article level and Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) at the journal level. The optimal values of four article-level publication indicators for maximizing the FWCI and SJR were calculated.
All publication and citation impact indicators were gathered for articles and reviews in the business, management, and accounting fields published from 2015 and 2019 and listed in Scopus and SciVal. Correlations between four article-level citation indicators and each citation impact indicator were analyzed.
The number of authors was positively associated with the FWCI, while the number of countries and keywords was not associated with the FWCI or SJR. Title length was negatively associated with the FWCI and SJR. The optimal publication indicators to maximize the FWCI were four authors, three more countries, six keywords, and a title word count of 14 to 19. The optimal publication indicators to maximize the SJR were three to four coauthors, three to four countries of collaborators, five keywords, and a title word count of two to seven.
Authors aiming to get higher citations and publish in higher-ranking SJR journals in the business, management, and accounting categories are recommended to pay close attention to design of research team and the number of keywords and impactful title length so that the publication will have a higher likelihood of being accepted and receiving citations.


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  • The most influential publications in oral and maxillofacial surgery over the past decade
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    Scientometrics.2022; 127(6): 3225.     CrossRef
Case Study
Analysis of Korean journals rejected by Scopus since 2011
Hyunju Jang
Sci Ed. 2020;7(1):50-54.   Published online February 20, 2020
  • 5,222 View
  • 149 Download
AbstractAbstract PDF
This paper aims to provide publishers and societies who plan to apply for their journals to be listed in Scopus with critical guidelines to evaluate their performance from an objective, globally-informed perspective. It presents a qualitative case study of how applications of Korean journals to Scopus have been evaluated over a 9-year period (2011–2019). A content analysis was conducted of 106 applications that were rejected by the Content Selection and Advisory Board, according to a combination of 14 quantitative and qualitative selection criteria. This case study was used to categorize instances of failure and to illustrate practical strategies for local journals to use when applying to Scopus based on the lessons to be learned from rejected cases. The results of the analysis show that local journals should enhance the quality of the articles they publish, review why the journal should be considered international, and clearly address editorial policies and the concept, scope, and strategies of the journal.
Original Article
Comparison between Korean and foreign authors concerning the citation impact of Korean journals indexed in Scopus
Hyunju Jang, Ki Woo Chun, Hyungsun Kim
Sci Ed. 2019;6(1):47-57.   Published online November 8, 2018
  • 12,771 View
  • 197 Download
  • 3 Web of Science
  • 4 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDF
An aim of this study is to analyze the citation impact of articles and reviews that were published in engineering, materials science, and medical journals in Korea over the 5-year period from 2012 to 2016 based on authors’ countries. These three subject areas were selected to provide insights regarding citation impact because they are better represented than other subjects among the 248 Korean journals indexed by Scopus.
We classified authors’ as Korean and foreign to assess and compare the citation impact of articles and reviews according to the authors’ countries and evaluated whether bibliometric indicators, such as the number of authors and the view count, were associated with a higher citation impact.
We found that the citations count and publications in the top 10 citation percentile in these three subject areas were higher for reviews than for articles; further, the citation impact of articles and reviews by foreign authors was higher than that of articles and reviews by Korean authors. The number of authors had a weak relationship with citation impact based on the subject area, and the number of authors per review by foreign authors in materials science and medicine was negatively associated with citation impact. Moreover, the views count was found to be positively associated with the citation impact of publications in these three subject areas.
Considering these findings, future research should explore more bibliometric indicators, subject areas, and countries in order to develop practical applications. The results of this study provide insights and statistical evidence indicating that journal publishers and editors in Korea should attempt to attract more publications by foreign authors and promote their publications to increase their visibility and likelihood of being cited.


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  • Congratulations on Child Health Nursing Research becoming a PubMed Central journal and reflections on its significance
    Sun Huh
    Child Health Nursing Research.2022; 28(1): 1.     CrossRef
  • Relationship between publication indicators and citation impact indicators for publications in business, management, and accounting listed in Scopus from 2015 to 2019
    Hyunju Jang
    Science Editing.2021; 8(1): 18.     CrossRef
  • Analysis of Korean journals rejected by Scopus since 2011
    Hyunju Jang
    Science Editing.2020; 7(1): 50.     CrossRef
  • Analysis of Research Performance and Trends in Environmental Science
    Won-Gi Shin, Moon-Ki Park, Da-Hyeon Kim, Hyun-Ju Jang, Tae-Sun Min
    Journal of Environmental Science International.2020; 29(3): 283.     CrossRef
Should we wait until an article is cited?
Hyunju Jang
Sci Ed. 2017;4(1):39-40.   Published online February 20, 2017
  • 7,464 View
  • 130 Download
  • 1 Crossref


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  • Evolution of the intellectual structure of clothing and textiles literature
    Joon-Ho Seon, Seong Eun Kim, Hyun-Jung Lee, Kyu-Hye Lee
    The Research Journal of the Costume Culture.2019; 27(4): 299.     CrossRef
Original Articles
Increasing number of authors per paper in Korean science and technology papers
Hyunju Jang, Kihong Kim, Sun Huh, Hyungsun Kim
Sci Ed. 2016;3(2):80-89.   Published online August 20, 2016
  • 13,646 View
  • 205 Download
  • 3 Web of Science
  • 4 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDF
We examined changes in the number of authors per paper for science and technology papers (agricultural sciences, engineering and technologies, medical sciences, and natural sciences) in Korea. We employed the Scopus database to examine the change in the number of authors in papers, which were published from 2000 to 2015 in the 234 Korean academic journals indexed on Scopus. We found that the global trend of growth in the number of authors per paper is evident in Korea as well. While there was little evidence of a correlation with the citation per paper, a positive correlation was found between with the field-weighted citation impact, another measure of a paper’s impact, in medical and natural science papers. In terms of the type of collaboration, we found that international collaboration papers had the highest number of authors, followed by national and institutional collaborations. The number of authors per paper was highest for those published in the top 10% journals by Source Normalized Impact per Paper, followed by Scopus-indexed journals, while papers published in Korea Citation Index had the lowest number of authors per paper. We propose that the rise in the number of authors per paper in Korean papers may be ascribed to many Korean research programs encouraging group research and the widespread availability of the internet, which has stimulated joint research efforts and encouraged international collaboration.


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  • Analysis of Research Performance and Trends in Environmental Science
    Won-Gi Shin, Moon-Ki Park, Da-Hyeon Kim, Hyun-Ju Jang, Tae-Sun Min
    Journal of Environmental Science International.2020; 29(3): 283.     CrossRef
  • Already, But Not Yet: Ending Unethical Practices in Authorship
    Young-Chul Jung
    Psychiatry Investigation.2018; 15(4): 335.     CrossRef
  • Comparison between Korean and foreign authors concerning the citation impact of Korean journals indexed in Scopus
    Hyunju Jang, Ki Woo Chun, Hyungsun Kim
    Science Editing.2018; 6(1): 47.     CrossRef
  • Rapid growth of international collaboration from articles indexed in Scopus database by researchers in Korea from 2006 to 2015
    Yeonok Chung, Kihong Kim
    Science Editing.2017; 4(1): 18.     CrossRef
Research output of science, technology and bioscience publications in Asia
Hyunju Jang, Hyungsun Kim
Sci Ed. 2014;1(2):62-70.   Published online August 18, 2014
  • 21,172 View
  • 172 Download
  • 4 Web of Science
  • 6 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDF

Publication growth rates in Asia have been rapidly increasing since 2000. Amid this constant rise in the quantity of papers, however, concerns over the quality of research output in Asia have also increased. The purpose of this paper is to examine science and technology journals in Asia where research is burgeoning and to find ways to enhance the visibility and frequency of citation of articles published by non-Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and developing countries in Asia. In this work, the research output of twelve countries in science and engineering over the last five years is studied, using the Scopus database. We compared publication growth, number of citations per publication, the field-weighted citation impact of publications, national and international collaboration rates, and the number of journals in each country found in the Scopus database. We find that a predominant number of research papers produced in developing Asian countries are in technology. Hence, most research papers produced in Asian regions appear to have lower citation rates and are often devaluated. We suggest this devaluation relates to an individual state’s strategy for national development, or policy priorities for choosing whether to invest primarily in basic science or applied science. Further, this work suggests that enhancing the accessibility and visibility of local academic journals can be conducive to enhancing the quality of research output, both in developing countries and in the world overall.


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  • Analysis of Research Performance and Trends in Environmental Science
    Won-Gi Shin, Moon-Ki Park, Da-Hyeon Kim, Hyun-Ju Jang, Tae-Sun Min
    Journal of Environmental Science International.2020; 29(3): 283.     CrossRef
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Science Editing : Science Editing