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Volume 5 August 2018
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Open data policy of Science Editing
Kihong Kim
Sci Ed. 2018;5(2):91-91.   Published online August 20, 2018
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  • 2 Web of Science
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  • Two international public platforms for the exposure of Archives of Plastic Surgery to worldwide researchers and surgeons: PubMed Central and Crossref
    Sun Huh
    Archives of Plastic Surgery.2020; 47(5): 377.     CrossRef
  • Is it possible to foster first-rate publishers through a journal publishing cooperative in Korea?
    Sun Huh
    Archives of Plastic Surgery.2019; 46(01): 3.     CrossRef
Adaptation of Journal Article Tag Suite XML for Japanese humanities papers
Hidehiko Nakanishi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Nao Hattori, Satoshi Taga
Sci Ed. 2018;5(2):92-99.   Published online August 20, 2018
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AbstractAbstract PDF
Out of East Asian languages which do not use the Latin alphabet, Japanese is a very complicated writing system that uses “kanji,” which are ideograms, and “kana,” which are phonetic characters. Most of the Japanese papers published so far using Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS) are science, technology, and medicine fields adapting horizontal writing systems, which are structurally consistent with English papers. Most of them only replace Latin letters with Japanese characters. In this presentation, we suggested method of presenting vertically oriented Japanese humanities articles in JATS XML. For vertical description of Chinese numeric, we would like to propose the introduction of an element which specifies description direction. Alternatively, could be used as a hidden command when creating a document. We propose the following notation in the part of the number that can be converted: 六五. Chinese numeric 六五 is a Arabic numeric 65. With this, it is shown that 六五 of Chinese numerals can be converted to 65 in Arabic numerals. For vertical text description with JATS, we would like to suggest adding @ writing-mode as an attribute to
. Furthermore, note and references should be differentiated for example, between a and a in the future. As Kanji are ideograms, there are variations that cannot be expressed with UTF-8. If these difficult Kanji are included in the JATS text, it will be necessary to decide on their description method. For the propagation of use of JATS XML for non-Latin characters articles, the structure of the document for example, vertical description, and special presentation should be considered more widely.


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  • Reflections as 2020 comes to an end: the editing and educational environment during the COVID-19 pandemic, the power of Scopus and Web of Science in scholarly publishing, journal statistics, and appreciation to reviewers and volunteers
    Sun Huh
    Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions.2020; 17: 44.     CrossRef
Latest trends in innovative global scholarly journal publication and distribution platforms
Soon Kim, Eunkyung Chung, Jae Yun Lee
Sci Ed. 2018;5(2):100-112.   Published online August 20, 2018
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AbstractAbstract PDF
This review article presents the latest trends in innovative global scholarly journal publication and distribution platforms, with implications for local journals. Changes have taken place in distribution policies, as pre-publication distribution has become a viable option, and for post-publication distribution, public access or mandatory open access policies have been introduced for articles supported by public or governmental funds. New formats of articles include graphical abstracts, interactive PDFs, the application of semantic enhancements, and the utilization of research data, social networking sites, such as Mendeley and ResearchGate, have become common sites for information exchange. Altmetrics have been adopted to complement traditional journal metrics. PubMed Central, F1000Research, KoreaMed Synapse, and ScienceCentral have been introduced as innovative full-text scholarly journal distribution systems. To publish web-based scholarly journals, it is necessary to adopt an open platform and to explore options such as an author profile database, an online collaborative editing module, and Crossref text and data mining services. To maximize the influence of local journals, it is necessary to integrate various external tools, such as researcher ID, research data, social media, and altmetrics services.


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  • Social Interaction Skills Collaboration Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Bibliometric Analysis in Publication 2013-2023
    Diajeng Tyas Pinru Phytanza, Edi Purwanta, Hermanto Hermanto
    International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences.2024; 7(6): 1290.     CrossRef
  • Korean researchers’ motivations for publishing in data journals and the usefulness of their data: a qualitative study
    Jungyeoun Lee, Jihyun Kim
    Science Editing.2021; 8(2): 145.     CrossRef
  • Is it possible to foster first-rate publishers through a journal publishing cooperative in Korea?
    Sun Huh
    Archives of Plastic Surgery.2019; 46(01): 3.     CrossRef
History, tradition, and development of journals of the Korean Mathematical Society
Keonhee Lee, Yoonjin Lee, Seoung Dal Jung
Sci Ed. 2018;5(2):113-118.   Published online August 20, 2018
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AbstractAbstract PDF
In October 1946, mathematicians and physicists founded the Korean Society of Mathematics and Physics, which was relaunched as the Korean Mathematical Society (KMS) in March 1952. This article presents the history of three journals published by the KMS. Volume 1 of the first journal, Mathematics Education, was published in 1955, but it was discontinued after publication of volume 3. After that, as the KMS was reorganized in the 1960s, it began once more to publish a journal in 1964, with the title Mathematics. Later, Mathematics was divided into the Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society and the Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society. A third journal, Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, was first published in 1986. Since then, a total of three journals have been published by the KMS. We can conceive of the years before 1980 as an era focused on education, while the subsequent years have constituted a research era. In this period, mathematics in Korea achieved remarkable growth through extensive international collaboration in research and the internationalization of journals of the KMS. In particular, the Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society and Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society achieved being indexed in SCIE, while Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society achieved being indexed in ESCI, a stage that precedes being indexed in SCIE. The journals published by the KMS will continue to serve as a venue for outstanding research results from throughout the world to be published and contribute greatly to the international growth of Korean mathematical capabilities.
Original Articles
Update: Bibliometric analysis of publications from North Korea indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection from 1978 to July 2018
Geum Hee Jeong, Sun Huh
Sci Ed. 2018;5(2):119-123.   Published online August 20, 2018
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  • 9 Web of Science
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AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
This study presents an update of a previous study, ‘Bibliometric analysis of publications from North Korea indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection from 1988 to 2016,’ which was published in Science Editing volume 4, issue 1. A re-analysis was performed because an incomplete search strategy was used in the original publication, and the present study analyzed the same bibliometric characteristics of publications from North Korea indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection from 1978 to 2018. The Web of Science Core Collection was searched by selecting ‘North Korea’ in the country field of the basic search results on July 31, 2018. A total of 533 articles were identified. There were no results from before 1978. China, Germany, and Australia were main countries of collaboration. Researchers from Kim Il Sung University produced the most articles. The main research fields were physics, mathematics, materials science, chemistry, and engineering. The funding agencies were mostly from China. The number of articles by North Korean authors only was 105, with the same main research fields. The results were almost the same as reported in the previous article, except for a much higher number of publications. The above results indicate that the North Korean government has asked researchers to publish their works in international journals; therefore, it has allowed them to access the internet. Based on the trends we identified, we anticipate that there will be a continuous increase in publications from North Korea in international journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection.


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  • Mapping the development of North Korea's domestic nuclear research networks
    Philip Baxter, Justin V. Hastings, Philseo Kim, Man‐Sung Yim
    Review of Policy Research.2022; 39(2): 219.     CrossRef
  • Military technology and the North Korean economy: evidence from time‐series data
    Jang C. Jin, Go En Chang
    Asian-Pacific Economic Literature.2022; 36(2): 106.     CrossRef
  • Bibliometric Analysis Of Fisheries Policy Articles In The Journal Scopus Written By Authors From Affiliates Of The 10 Best Universities In Indonesia
    Eki Darmawan, Ida Widianingsih, Rahman Mulyawan, Mudiyati Rahmatunnisa
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.2022; 1095(1): 012014.     CrossRef
  • Bibliographic and content analysis of articles on education from Vietnam indexed in Scopus from 2009 to 2018
    Cuong Huu Nguyen, Loc Thi My Nguyen, Trung Tran, Tien-Trung Nguyen
    Science Editing.2020; 7(1): 45.     CrossRef
  • A critical examination of international research conducted by North Korean authors: Increasing trends of collaborative research between China and North Korea
    Eungi Kim, Eun Sil Kim
    Scientometrics.2020; 124(1): 429.     CrossRef
  • A bibliometric analysis of articles on innovation systems in Scopus journals written by authors from Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia
    Prakoso Bhairawa Putera, Suryanto Suryanto, Sinta Ningrum, Ida Widianingsih
    Science Editing.2020; 7(2): 177.     CrossRef
  • Bibliographic and content analysis of physics papers from North Korea indexed in the Scopus from 2005 to 2018
    Kihong Kim, Yeonok Chung
    Science Editing.2019; 6(1): 35.     CrossRef
  • Network analysis of scientific collaboration in North Korea
    Hyung Wook Choi, Ye Jin Choi, Soon Kim
    Science Editing.2019; 6(1): 25.     CrossRef
Comparative analysis of manuscript management systems for scholarly publishing
Soon Kim, Hyungwook Choi, Nayon Kim, EunKyung Chung, Jae Yun Lee
Sci Ed. 2018;5(2):124-134.   Published online August 20, 2018
  • 22,667 View
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  • 7 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDF
To improve scholarly communications with scientists throughout the world, an international-level manuscript management system is indispensable. We analyzed the manuscript management systems currently in use in Korea and suggested ways to improve these domestic systems through benchmarking with representative overseas systems. Drawing information from the manufacturer’s documentation, we compared the functionalities of the major manuscript management systems available in Korea to international systems. Based on this analysis, we identified the essential elements necessary to meet international standards. The representative international systems provide an intuitive interface and an efficient communication channel for authors, editors, and reviewers, enabling them to save time. The two domestic paid systems are almost at the international level; however, the free systems developed in Korea need to be upgraded. In particular, more advanced visualization tools, more efficient tools for communication between stakeholders, and convenient linking to external content are needed. Studies of these manuscript management systems, which are essential for the internationalization of domestic journals, can be utilized as primary materials to improve the level of Korean academic journals in response to the rapid changes in modern scholarly communication.


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  • Artificial intelligence to support publishing and peer review: A summary and review
    Kayvan Kousha, Mike Thelwall
    Learned Publishing.2024; 37(1): 4.     CrossRef
  • Procesos editoriales en revistas científicas: Un análisis bibliométrico a partir de artículos en acceso abierto
    Elí Vicente Raudales-García , Wileidys Artigas, Benjamín Barón Velandia, Nicolás Sumba Nacipucha , Jorge Cueva Estrada
    Biblios Journal of Librarianship and Information Science.2024; (87): e008.     CrossRef
  • Should publishers use online submission systems to harvest authors’ responses to diversity, equity and inclusion?
    J. A. Teixeira da Silva
    Science Editor and Publisher.2023; 7(2): 210.     CrossRef
  • An Exploratory Study into Professional Scholarly Journals Publishing Software Adoption in Lithuania
    Vincas Grigas, Arūnas Gudinavičius, Tomas Petreikis, Andrius Šuminas
    Information & Media.2023; 96: 179.     CrossRef
  • A Blockchain-Based Editorial Management System
    Eman-Yaser Daraghmi, Mamoun Abu Helou, Yousef-Awwad Daraghmi, omar cheikhrouhou
    Security and Communication Networks.2021; 2021: 1.     CrossRef
  • Artificial intelligence-assisted tools for redefining the communication landscape of the scholarly world
    Habeeb Ibrahim Abdul Razack, Sam T. Mathew, Fathinul Fikri Ahmad Saad, Saleh A. Alqahtani
    Science Editing.2021; 8(2): 134.     CrossRef
  • The “invisible hand” of peer review: The implications of author-referee networks on peer review in a scholarly journal
    Pierpaolo Dondio, Niccolò Casnici, Francisco Grimaldo, Nigel Gilbert, Flaminio Squazzoni
    Journal of Informetrics.2019; 13(2): 708.     CrossRef
Case Study
Proposal of the S-score for measuring the performance of researchers, institutions, and journals in Indonesia
Lukman Lukman, Muhammad Dimyati, Yan Rianto, Imam Much Ibnu Subroto, Tole Sutikno, Deden Sumirat Hidayat, Irene M Nadhiroh, Deris Stiawan, Sam Farisa Chaerul Haviana, Ahmad Heryanto, Herman Yuliansyah
Sci Ed. 2018;5(2):135-141.   Published online August 20, 2018
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AbstractAbstract PDF
This study aimed to propose a tool for measuring the research performance of researchers, institutions, and journals in Indonesia based on bibliometrics. Specifically, the output of this measurement tool, referred to as the S-score, is described, as well as its implementation on the main database portal in Indonesia. The S-score was developed by a focus group discussion. The following 8 evaluation items for journal accreditation were analyzed in the development process: journal title, aims and scope; publisher; editorial and journal management; quality of articles; writing style; format of PDF and e-journal; regularity; and dissemination. The elements of the S-score are as follows: number of journal article documents in Scopus, number of non-journalarticle in Scopus, number of citations in Scopus, number of citations in Google Scholar, the hindex in Scopus, and the h-index in Google Scholar. The S-score yields results ranging from S1 to S6. The above metrics were implemented on the Science and Technology Index, a database portal in Indonesia. The measurement tool developed through the focus group discussion was successfully implemented on the database portal. Its validity and reliability should be monitored consistently through regular assessments of S-scores. The S-score may be a good example of a metric for measuring the performance of researchers, institutions, and journals in countries where most journals are not indexed by Scopus.


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  • The development of a Web-based in-text citation analysis tool
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  • Procesos editoriales en revistas científicas: Un análisis bibliométrico a partir de artículos en acceso abierto
    Elí Vicente Raudales-García , Wileidys Artigas, Benjamín Barón Velandia, Nicolás Sumba Nacipucha , Jorge Cueva Estrada
    Biblios Journal of Librarianship and Information Science.2024; (87): e008.     CrossRef
  • Understanding the meanings of citations using sentiment, role, and citation function classifications
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    Scientometrics.2023; 128(1): 735.     CrossRef
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  • Systematic Design and Evaluation of a Citation Function Classification Scheme in Indonesian Journals
    Yaniasih Yaniasih, Indra Budi
    Publications.2021; 9(3): 27.     CrossRef
  • Policies of scholarly journal accreditation in Indonesia
    Prakoso Bhairawa Putera, Suryanto Suryanto, Sinta Ningrum, Ida Widianingsih, Yan Rianto
    Science Editing.2021; 8(2): 166.     CrossRef
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    Journal of Physics: Conference Series.2021; 1943(1): 012111.     CrossRef
Writing a deadwood-free manuscript: tips from a Russian translator
Dmitry Tychinin
Sci Ed. 2018;5(2):142-145.   Published online August 20, 2018
  • 10,325 View
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  • Conventions of English Research Discourse and the Writing of Non-Anglophone Authors
    Tatyana Yakhontova
    Journal of Korean Medical Science.2020;[Epub]     CrossRef
How to respond to and what to do for papers published in predatory journals?
Aamir Raoof Memon
Sci Ed. 2018;5(2):146-149.   Published online August 20, 2018
  • 14,111 View
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  • 15 Web of Science
  • 12 Crossref


Citations to this article as recorded by  
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    Accountability in Research.2024; 31(2): 80.     CrossRef
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    Library Hi Tech.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
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    Salim Moussa
    Scientometrics.2021; 126(1): 485.     CrossRef
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    Publications.2021; 9(1): 4.     CrossRef
  • Contamination by citations: references to predatory journals in the peer-reviewed marketing literature
    Salim Moussa
    South Asian Journal of Marketing.2021; 2(1): 5.     CrossRef
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    Perceptual and Motor Skills.2020; 127(1): 154.     CrossRef
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    Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine.2020; 43(1): 9.     CrossRef
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Why and how do we keep editing local medical journals in an era of information overload?
Viera Wardhani, Sam Mathew, Jeong-Wook Seo, Komang G. Wiryawan, Vivi Setiawaty, Burmaajav Badrakh
Sci Ed. 2018;5(2):150-154.   Published online August 20, 2018
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  • Disparities of Health Program Information Systems in Indonesia: A Cross-Sectional Indonesian Health Facility Research 2019
    Sri Idaiani, Harimat Hendarwan, Maria Holly Herawati
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2023; 20(5): 4384.     CrossRef
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    Procedia Computer Science.2019; 161: 781.     CrossRef
Meeting Reports
The 14th European Association of Science Editors Conference, Bucharest 2018
Sun Huh
Sci Ed. 2018;5(2):155-158.   Published online August 20, 2018
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  • Compliance of “Principles of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing” in Korean academic society-published journals listed in Journal Citation Reports
    Ye Jin Choi, Hyung Wook Choi, Soon Kim
    Science Editing.2020; 7(1): 24.     CrossRef
  • Compliance of “Principles of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing” in academic society published journals
    Hyung Wook Choi, Ye Jin Choi, Soon Kim
    Science Editing.2019; 6(2): 112.     CrossRef
  • Journal Metrics of Infection & Chemotherapy and Current Scholarly Journal Publication Issues
    Sun Huh
    Infection & Chemotherapy.2018; 50(3): 219.     CrossRef
2018 Asian-Pacific Conference of the International Society of Managing and Technical Editors
Yu-Jin Choi
Sci Ed. 2018;5(2):159-161.   Published online August 20, 2018
  • 8,262 View
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The 5th Asian Science Editors’ Conference and Workshop 2018
Suhyeon Yoo
Sci Ed. 2018;5(2):162-164.   Published online August 20, 2018
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  • Presidential address: How to cope with the present environment of scholarly journal publishing
    Sun Huh
    Science Editing.2020; 7(1): 1.     CrossRef
Expect the unexpected: memorable experiences at the 2018 Council of Science Editors annual meeting
Cheol-Heui Yun
Sci Ed. 2018;5(2):165-167.   Published online August 20, 2018
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  • 1 Web of Science
Science Cartoon
Funding or article?
Beom Sun Chung, Min Suk Chung
Sci Ed. 2018;5(2):168-170.   Published online August 20, 2018
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Science Editing : Science Editing