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Volume 11 February 2024
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Reflecting on the past 10 years of Asian scholarly journals
Tae-Sul Seo
Sci Ed. 2024;11(1):1-2.   Published online February 20, 2024
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Trends in research on ChatGPT and adoption-related issues discussed in articles: a narrative review
Sang-Jun Kim
Sci Ed. 2024;11(1):3-11.   Published online December 18, 2023
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  • 5 Web of Science
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AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
This review aims to provide guidance for those contemplating the use of ChatGPT, by sharing research trends and evaluation results discussed in various articles. For an objective and quantitative analysis, 1,105 articles published over a 7-month period, from December 2022 to June 2023, following the release of ChatGPT were collected. These articles were sourced from PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Additionally, 140 research articles were selected, including archived preprints and Korean articles, to evaluate the performance of ChatGPT. The analysis of research trends revealed that related communities are rapidly and actively responding: the educational community is redefining its directions, the copyright and patent community is monitoring lawsuits related to artificial intelligence creations, the government is establishing laws to regulate and prevent potential harm, the journal publishing community is setting standards for whether artificial intelligence can be considered an author, and the medical community is publishing numerous articles exploring the potential of ChatGPT to support medical experts. A comparative analysis of research articles on ChatGPT’s performance suggests that it could serve as a valuable assistant in human intellectual activities and academic processes. However, its practical application requires careful consideration to overcome certain limitations. Both the general public and researchers should assess the adoption of ChatGPT based on accurate information, such as that provided in this review.


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  • Does ChatGPT affect users’ continuous knowledge contributions in online Q&A communities?
    Guo Li, Mark Xuefang Zhu
    Aslib Journal of Information Management.2025;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • The emergence of generative artificial intelligence platforms in 2023, journal metrics, appreciation to reviewers and volunteers, and obituary
    Sun Huh
    Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions.2024; 21: 9.     CrossRef
  • Explosive increase and decrease in articles, citations, impact factor, and immediacy index during the COVID-19 pandemic: a bibliometric study
    Sang-Jun Kim
    Science Editing.2024; 11(2): 107.     CrossRef
  • Research ethics and issues regarding the use of ChatGPT-like artificial intelligence platforms by authors and reviewers: a narrative review
    Sang-Jun Kim
    Science Editing.2024; 11(2): 96.     CrossRef
  • Evaluating AI Excellence: A Comparative Analysis of Generative Models in Library and Information Science
    Raiyan Bin Reza, Md. Rifat Mahmud, S.M. Zabed Ahmed
    Science & Technology Libraries.2024; : 1.     CrossRef
Influence of artificial intelligence and chatbots on research integrity and publication ethics
Payam Hosseinzadeh Kasani, Kee Hyun Cho, Jae-Won Jang, Cheol-Heui Yun
Sci Ed. 2024;11(1):12-25.   Published online January 25, 2024
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  • 3 Web of Science
  • 3 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDF
Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered chatbots are rapidly supplanting human-derived scholarly work in the fast-paced digital age. This necessitates a re-evaluation of our traditional research and publication ethics, which is the focus of this article. We explore the ethical issues that arise when AI chatbots are employed in research and publication. We critically examine the attribution of academic work, strategies for preventing plagiarism, the trustworthiness of AI-generated content, and the integration of empathy into these systems. Current approaches to ethical education, in our opinion, fall short of appropriately addressing these problems. We propose comprehensive initiatives to tackle these emerging ethical concerns. This review also examines the limitations of current chatbot detectors, underscoring the necessity for more sophisticated technology to safeguard academic integrity. The incorporation of AI and chatbots into the research environment is set to transform the way we approach scholarly inquiries. However, our study emphasizes the importance of employing these tools ethically within research and academia. As we move forward, it is of the utmost importance to concentrate on creating robust, flexible strategies and establishing comprehensive regulations that effectively align these potential technological developments with stringent ethical standards. We believe that this is an essential measure to ensure that the advancement of AI chatbots significantly augments the value of scholarly research activities, including publications, rather than introducing potential ethical quandaries.


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  • Generative AI, Research Ethics, and Higher Education Research: Insights from a Scientometric Analysis
    Saba Mansoor Qadhi, Ahmed Alduais, Youmen Chaaban, Majeda Khraisheh
    Information.2024; 15(6): 325.     CrossRef
  • Publication Ethics in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
    Zafer Kocak
    Journal of Korean Medical Science.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Research Ethics - A Systematic Review
    Gabriel Andrade-Hidalgo, Pedro Mio-Cango, Orlando Iparraguirre-Villanueva
    Journal of Academic Ethics.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
Original Articles
How authors select covariates in the multivariate analysis of cancer studies in 10 oncology journals in Korea: a descriptive study
Mi Ah Han, Hae Ran Kim, Sang Eun Yoon, Sun Mi Park, Boyoung Kim, Seo-Hee Kim, So-Yeong Kim
Sci Ed. 2024;11(1):26-32.   Published online February 20, 2024
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AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
Cancer is the leading cause of death in Korea, leading many investigators to focus on cancer research. We present the current practice of variable selection methods for multivariate analyses in cancer studies recently published in major oncology journals in Korea.
We included observational studies investigating associations between exposures and outcomes using multivariate analysis from 10 major oncology journals published in 2021 in KoreaMed, a Korean electronic database. Two reviewers independently and in duplicate performed the reference screening and data extraction. For each study included in this review, we collected important aspects of the variable selection methods in multivariate models, including the study characteristics, analytic methods, and covariate selection methods. The descriptive statistics of the data are presented.
In total, 107 studies were included. None used prespecified covariate selection methods, and half of the studies did not provide enough information to classify covariate selection methods. Among the studies reporting selection methods, almost all studies only used data-driven methods, despite having study questions related to causality. The most commonly used method for variable selection was significance in the univariate model, with the outcome as the dependent variable.
Half of the included studies did not provide sufficient information to assess the variable selection method, and most used a limited data-driven method. We believe that the reporting of covariate selection methods requires improvement, and our results can be used to educate researchers, editors, and reviewers to increase the transparency and adequacy of covariate selection for multivariable analyses in observational studies.
Adherence to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors–recommended gender equity policy in nursing journals listed in MEDLINE or PubMed Central: a descriptive study
Eun Jeong Ko, Geum Hee Jeong
Sci Ed. 2024;11(1):33-37.   Published online February 20, 2024
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  • 1 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDF
The evolving landscape of nursing research emphasizes inclusive representation. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) has established guidelines to ensure the fair representation of various demographic variables, including age, sex, and ethnicity. This study aimed to evaluate the adherence of nursing journals indexed in MEDLINE or PubMed Central to the ICMJE’s directives on gender equity, given that journals indexed in MEDLINE and PubMed Central typically adhere to the ICMJE’s guidelines.
A descriptive literature review methodology was employed to analyze 160 nursing journals listed in two databases as of July 28, 2023. The website of each journal was searched, and the most recent original article from each was selected. These articles were then evaluated for their alignment with the ICMJE guidelines on gender equity. Descriptive statistics were applied to categorize and enumerate the cases.
Of the articles reviewed from 160 journals, 115 dealt with human populations. Of these, 93 required a description of gender equity. Within this subset, 83 articles distinguished between the genders of human subjects. Gender-based interpretations were provided in 15 articles, while another 68 did not offer an interpretation of differences by gender. Among the 10 articles that did not delineate gender, only two provided a rationale for this omission.
Among recent articles published in the nursing journals indexed in MEDLINE and PubMed Central, only 16.1% presented clear gender analyses. These findings highlight the need for editors to strengthen their dedication to gender equity within their editorial policies.


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  • Academic journal website from the user’s perspective
    A. V. Silnichaya, D. I. Trushkov, A. Volkova, M. S. Konyaev
    Science Editor and Publisher.2024; 9(1): 2.     CrossRef
Co-authorship network analysis of North Korean chemistry researchers based on issues of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering published from 2008 to 2022: a bibliometric study
Eunmi Park, Ho-Yeol Yoon
Sci Ed. 2024;11(1):38-43.   Published online February 20, 2024
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AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
This study conducted a comprehensive analysis of North Korean domestic journals, using scientific quantification methodologies to identify prominent researchers and research areas within the field of chemistry.
Data were collected from the journal Chemistry and Chemical Engineering published in North Korea. Through an analysis of co-authorship relations and literature reviews of papers authored by researchers who were highly influential in research networks, core research areas were identified.
The researcher with the highest number of publications in the given period was Yong-Chol Lee, with 31 publications, followed closely by Gyun Kim, who also demonstrated significant research activity. When focusing on the last 5 years, Myeong-Cheol Hong emerged as a prominent figure. Yong-Chol Lee has expertise across diverse fields of chemistry, including fine chemicals, biochemistry, and mineral materials. Gyun Kim, in contrast, is recognized for his in-depth knowledge of organics, enzymes, processes, catalysis, fine chemicals, and industrial chemistry. Myung-Cheol Hong’s research primarily centers around organic chemical synthesis within the fine chemical domain. All three researchers are making substantial contributions to the chemical industry.
The findings of this study provide valuable insights into research trends in the field of chemistry in North Korea and contribute to a broader understanding of the discipline’s internal knowledge structure within the global academic community. This research is anticipated to be especially useful for scholars who are analyzing bibliographic information pertaining to North Korea.
Research trends on resilience related to nursing and patients: a bibliometric analysis
Sukwon Hahn, Young Mi Ryu
Sci Ed. 2024;11(1):44-54.   Published online January 25, 2024
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AbstractAbstract PDF
Resilience is an essential concept used to describe the ability to cope and adapt effectively in the face of loss, hardship, or adversity by patients, nurses, and nursing students. The purpose of this study was to identify research trends on resilience related to nursing and patients.
The Web of Science Core Collection database was searched on February 21, 2023, with the terms “resilienc*” in the title and “nurs* and “patient* in the topic. A total of 361 documents were extracted. A web-based analysis in R prepared using was used to generate visualizations of publishing trends, journal ranks, authorship analysis, the most prolific nations, author collaboration patterns, a KeyWords Plus analysis, trend themes, and the most cited articles.
Research reports on resilience related to nursing and patients were first published in 2007 and have shown a substantial increase since 2019, with more than 30 publications per year. The largest amount of related literature was published in the Journal of Nursing Management, and the Journal of Advanced Nursing included the largest number of citations. Rushton CH was the most prolific author, with six publications, and she was the author of the most cited study. The most productive country was the United States. The most frequently encountered KeyWords Plus terms were “burnout,” “stress,” and “health.”
The findings of this study can offer information to future researchers as well as the opportunity to conduct more novel studies on resilience in nursing.
Impact factor surge in Korean medical journals during the COVID-19 era: a bibliometric study
Chansu Park, Sejin Park, Hyeonseok Seo, Janghyeog Oh, Dongryeong Kim, Junha Kang, Hanul Kang, Hyunsung Kang, Yaechan Kim, Mi Ah Han
Sci Ed. 2024;11(1):55-61.   Published online December 18, 2023
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  • 1 Web of Science
  • 1 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
The multiyear COVID-19 pandemic has affected the volume and speed of publications in scientific journals. This study evaluated trends in the impact measures of international medical journals published in Korea, including the journal impact factor (JIF).
We selected Science Citation Index Expanded journals with the country/region set to Korea and the academic category classified as “clinical medicine” in Journal Citation Reports. Trends in indicators such as the JIF and Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) were assessed for journals with JIF information from 2018 to 2022. Ratios and differences between the measures were calculated to determine the extent of the change.
We identified 43 journals, and the average JIF of those journals increased from 2.33 in 2018 and 2.50 in 2019 to 3.45 in 2020 and 3.86 in 2021. Other measures, such as the 5-year JIF and JCI, steadily increased, and the proportion of gold open access journals also increased significantly. However, the JCI and Eigenfactor scores remained steady or showed relatively small increases. Furthermore, impact measures declined in 2022, including a JIF decrease to 3.55.
We presented trends in quantitative measurements for international medical journals in Korea, and found an overall increase. Journals need to maintain a rigorous publication process to improve the quality of their research and the research community needs to exercise caution when using quantitative measures to evaluate journals. Further research is required to examine the quantitative indicators of journals, including their publication policies, research topics, and long-term trends.


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  • Scientific Publication Speed of Korean Medical Journals during the COVID-19 Era
    Hyeonseok Seo, Yaechan Kim, Dongryeong Kim, Hanul Kang, Chansu Park, Sejin Park, Junha Kang, Janghyeog Oh, Hyunsung Kang, Mi Ah Han
    Healthcare Informatics Research.2024; 30(3): 277.     CrossRef
Copyright policies of science and engineering open access journals indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded or Scopus, published by Korean academic societies
Dae Un Hong, Ju Yoen Lee
Sci Ed. 2024;11(1):62-72.   Published online February 20, 2024
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AbstractAbstract PDF
This article explores the challenges related to copyright policies in the context of science and engineering open access (OA) journals based in Korea.
From Korea Citation Index (KCI)-listed science and engineering journals in English indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) or Scopus, 162 journals were identified as of January 10, 2024. Of these, 104 were published independently by Korean academic societies. All were open access. Data were collected from the KCI database and verified via each journal’s website. Discrepancies were resolved using the journal website information.
The English-language science and engineering OA journals published independently by Korean academic societies typically exhibit three common characteristics regarding their copyright and licensing policies. First, authors are generally required to transfer their copyrights. Second, the Creative Commons (CC) license terms are predominantly BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial), without providing authors the option to select alternative licensing terms. Third, the journals do not sufficiently protect the rights of the authors. From the analyses presented herein, it is evident that the current copyright and licensing policies of Korea’s English-language science and engineering OA journals lack a robust structure.
These policies need to be revised to allow authors to retain copyright and require them to consent for the CC license terms it adopts, in order to align with the common practice among OA journals. Furthermore, to better protect authors’ rights, it would be beneficial to permit authors to choose the specific terms of the CC license for their articles.
Can training doctoral students to participate in peer review alleviate the shortage of peer reviewers in academic publishing?
Thong Minh Trinh
Sci Ed. 2024;11(1):73-76.   Published online February 20, 2024
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Meeting Reports
Seeing the forest for the trees and the changing seasons in the vast land of scholarly publishing
Soo Jung Shin
Sci Ed. ;11(1):81-83.   Published online January 30, 2024
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Training Material
ChatGPT for editors: enhancing efficiency and effectiveness
Yunhee Whang
Sci Ed. 2024;11(1):84-90.   Published online February 20, 2024
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AbstractAbstract PDF
This tutorial examines how ChatGPT can assist journal editors in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of academic publishing. It highlights ChatGPT’s key characteristics, focusing on the use of “Custom instructions” to generate tailored responses and plugin integration for accessing up-to-date information. The tutorial presents practical advice and illustrative examples to demonstrate how editors can adeptly employ these features to improve their work practices. It covers the intricacies of developing advanced prompts and the application of zero-shot and few-shot prompting techniques across a range of editorial tasks, including literature reviews, training novice reviewers, and improving language quality. Furthermore, the tutorial addresses potential challenges inherent in using ChatGPT, which include a lack of precision and sensitivity to cultural nuances, the presence of biases, and a limited vocabulary in specialized fields, among others. The tutorial concludes by advocating for an integrated approach, combining ChatGPT’s technological advancements with the critical insight of human editors. This approach emphasizes that ChatGPT should be recognized not as a replacement for human judgment and expertise in editorial processes, but as a tool that plays a supportive and complementary role.
Events in 2024
Sci Ed. 2024;11(1):91-91.   Published online February 20, 2024
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Science Editing : Science Editing