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Sejin Park 1 Article
Impact factor surge in Korean medical journals during the COVID-19 era: a bibliometric study
Chansu Park, Sejin Park, Hyeonseok Seo, Janghyeog Oh, Dongryeong Kim, Junha Kang, Hanul Kang, Hyunsung Kang, Yaechan Kim, Mi Ah Han
Sci Ed. 2024;11(1):55-61.   Published online December 18, 2023
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  • 1 Web of Science
  • 1 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
The multiyear COVID-19 pandemic has affected the volume and speed of publications in scientific journals. This study evaluated trends in the impact measures of international medical journals published in Korea, including the journal impact factor (JIF).
We selected Science Citation Index Expanded journals with the country/region set to Korea and the academic category classified as “clinical medicine” in Journal Citation Reports. Trends in indicators such as the JIF and Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) were assessed for journals with JIF information from 2018 to 2022. Ratios and differences between the measures were calculated to determine the extent of the change.
We identified 43 journals, and the average JIF of those journals increased from 2.33 in 2018 and 2.50 in 2019 to 3.45 in 2020 and 3.86 in 2021. Other measures, such as the 5-year JIF and JCI, steadily increased, and the proportion of gold open access journals also increased significantly. However, the JCI and Eigenfactor scores remained steady or showed relatively small increases. Furthermore, impact measures declined in 2022, including a JIF decrease to 3.55.
We presented trends in quantitative measurements for international medical journals in Korea, and found an overall increase. Journals need to maintain a rigorous publication process to improve the quality of their research and the research community needs to exercise caution when using quantitative measures to evaluate journals. Further research is required to examine the quantitative indicators of journals, including their publication policies, research topics, and long-term trends.


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  • Scientific Publication Speed of Korean Medical Journals during the COVID-19 Era
    Hyeonseok Seo, Yaechan Kim, Dongryeong Kim, Hanul Kang, Chansu Park, Sejin Park, Junha Kang, Janghyeog Oh, Hyunsung Kang, Mi Ah Han
    Healthcare Informatics Research.2024; 30(3): 277.     CrossRef

Science Editing : Science Editing