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Herman Yuliansyah 1 Article
Proposal of the S-score for measuring the performance of researchers, institutions, and journals in Indonesia
Lukman Lukman, Muhammad Dimyati, Yan Rianto, Imam Much Ibnu Subroto, Tole Sutikno, Deden Sumirat Hidayat, Irene M Nadhiroh, Deris Stiawan, Sam Farisa Chaerul Haviana, Ahmad Heryanto, Herman Yuliansyah
Sci Ed. 2018;5(2):135-141.   Published online August 20, 2018
  • 19,936 View
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  • 10 Web of Science
  • 8 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study aimed to propose a tool for measuring the research performance of researchers, institutions, and journals in Indonesia based on bibliometrics. Specifically, the output of this measurement tool, referred to as the S-score, is described, as well as its implementation on the main database portal in Indonesia. The S-score was developed by a focus group discussion. The following 8 evaluation items for journal accreditation were analyzed in the development process: journal title, aims and scope; publisher; editorial and journal management; quality of articles; writing style; format of PDF and e-journal; regularity; and dissemination. The elements of the S-score are as follows: number of journal article documents in Scopus, number of non-journalarticle in Scopus, number of citations in Scopus, number of citations in Google Scholar, the hindex in Scopus, and the h-index in Google Scholar. The S-score yields results ranging from S1 to S6. The above metrics were implemented on the Science and Technology Index, a database portal in Indonesia. The measurement tool developed through the focus group discussion was successfully implemented on the database portal. Its validity and reliability should be monitored consistently through regular assessments of S-scores. The S-score may be a good example of a metric for measuring the performance of researchers, institutions, and journals in countries where most journals are not indexed by Scopus.


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